List of Courses offered at Moi University
The Moi University (MU) list of courses/programmes Offered Undergraduate, Diploma and Certificate, Masters, PhD courses as listed below.
All candidates that have an interest in studying in the college are to take note is these courses:
Here is a list of courses or programmes offered at Moi University
List of Courses/Programmes Offered at Moi University (MU)
Moi University Diploma Programmes
1. School of Education
• Early Childhood and Primary Education
• Education Arts
• Pedagogy
2. School of Human Resource Development
• Human Resource Management (1 year)
• Public Relations (1 year)
• Entrepreneurship Studies (1 year)
• Project Planning and Development (1 year)
3. School of Information Sciences
• Diploma in Information Technology
• Diploma in Journalism and Mass Media
• Diploma in Publishing Studies
4. School of Public Health
• Diploma in Community Health (MU/AMREF)
• Diploma in Community Health and Development
5. School of Business and Economics
• Diploma in Business Management
• Diploma in Economics
• Diploma in Agricultural Resource Management
• Diploma in Aviation Management
• Diploma in Sports Management
6. School of Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management
• Diploma in Tourism Management (DTM)
• Diploma in Sustainable Tourism and Wildlife management (DST&WM)
• Diploma in Travel and Tour Guiding (DTTG)
• Diploma in Air Travel Services Management (DASM)
• Diploma in Hotel and Restaurant Management (DHRM)
• Diploma in Event Management (DEM)
7. School of Arts and Social Sciences
• Diploma in Social Work
• Diploma in Criminology
• Diploma in Public Administration
• Diploma in Religious Studies
• Diploma in Children’s Literature
• Diploma in Literary Criticism
• Diploma in Literary Journalism
• Diploma in Creative Writing
• Diploma in Theatre
• Diploma in Film
Moi University Undergraduate Programmes
College of Education and Human Resource Development
1. School of Education
Bachelor of Education
1) Arts
2) Guidance and Counseling (G & C)
3) Early Childhood & Primary Education (ECPE)
4) Special Needs Education (SNE)
5) Education Science
6) Technology Education
7) Business Education
8) Postgraduate Diploma in Education
2. School of Human Resource Development
1) Bachelor of Science in Communication and Public Relations
2) Bachelor of Science in Graphic Communication andAdvertising
3) Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management
4) Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship
5) Bachelor of Science in Communication and Journalism
6) Bachelor of Science in Strategic Management
7) Bachelor of Science in Project Planning and Management
College of Engineering, Information and Aerospace Sciences
3. School of Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) in;
1) Chemical and Process Engineering
2) Civil and Structural Engineering
3) Electrical and Electronics Engineering
4) Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering
5) Mechanical and Production Engineering
6) Industrial &Textile Engineering
4. School of Information Sciences
1) Bachelor of Science in Information Sciences
2) Bachelor of Science in Media Science
3) Bachelor of Science in Informatics
5. School of Aerospace Sciences
1) Professional Pilot Option
2) Aerospace Security Option
3) Aerospace Logistics Option
College of Health Sciences
6. School of Medicine
1) Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBCHB)
2) Bachelor of Science Physiotherapy
3) Bachelor of Science in Medical Psychology
7. School of Public Health
1) Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health.
2) BSc. Leadership and Health Services Management
3) BSc. Clinical Nutrition
4) BSc. Public Health Nutrition
5) BSc. Community Health and Development
6) BSc. Health Informatics
8. School of Dentistry
1) Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) (5years)
9. School of Nursing
1) Bachelor of Science in Nursing
College of Humanities and Social Studies
10. School of Business and Economics
1) Bachelor of Business Management (BBM)
2) Accounting
3) Finance and Banking
4) Risk and Insurance Management
5) Marketing Management
6) Purchasing and Supplies Management
7) Human Resource Management
8) Small Enterprise Management
9) Business Information Systems
10) Bachelor of Arts in Economics
11) Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Resource Management
12) Bachelor of Sports Management
13) Bachelor of Maritime Management (Coast Campus)
14) Bachelor of Aviation Management
15) Bachelor in Agribusiness
16) Bachelor in Agricultural Economics
11. School of Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management
1) Bachelor of Tourism Management (BTM)
2) Bachelor of Travel and Tour Operations Management (BTTM)
3) Bachelor of Hotel and Hospitality management (BHHM)
12. School of Law
1) Bachelor of Laws (LLB) (4 years)
13. School of Arts and Social Sciences
1) Bachelor of Arts in Geography
2) Bachelor of Arts in Penology, Correction &Administration
3) Bachelor of Arts in Kiswahili
4) Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics, Media & Communication
5) Bachelor of Arts in French
6) Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
7) Bachelor of Science in Counseling Psychology
8) Bachelor of Arts in Community Development
9) Bachelor of Arts in Social Work
10) Bachelor of Arts in German
11) Bachelor of Arts with Education
12) Bachelor of Arts in Music
College of Basic and Applied Sciences
14. School of Biological and Physical Sciences
1) B.Sc. (Actuarial Science)
2) B.Sc. (Applied Statistics with Computing)
3) B.Sc. (Biochemistry)
4) B.Sc. (Botany)
5) B.Sc. (Chemistry)
6) B.Sc. (Computer Science)
7) B.Sc. (Mathematics)
8) B.Sc. (Microbiology)
9) B.Sc. (Physics)
10) B.Sc. (Zoology)
15. School of Agriculture and Natural Resources
1) BSc in Agricultural Biotechnology
2) BSc in Agricultural Extension Education
3) BSc in Horticulture
4) BSc in Seed Science
5) BSc in Soil Science
6) BSc in Irrigation and Land Use Management
7) BSc in Crop Production
8) BSc in Food Science and Technology
9) BSc in Dry Lands and Sustainable Agriculture
Moi University PostGraduate
Postgraduate Diploma Programmes
1. Human Resource and Public Relations (1 year)
2. Project Planning and Management (1 year)
3. Public Relations (1 year)
4. Entrepreneurship Studies
Master of Science Programmes (Two year programmes)
1. Communication Studies
2. Development Studies
3. Entrepreneurship Studies
4. Human Resource Development
5. Communication and Journalism
6. Project Planning and Management
Ph.D Programmes (Three Years)
1. Communication Studies
2. Development Studies
3. Human Resource Development
4. Entrepreneurship Studies
1. M.Sc. in Structural Engineering
2. M.Sc. in Water Engineering
3. M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering
4. M.Sc. in Textile Engineering
5. M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering
6. M.Phil. in Energy Studies
o Energy and Environment
o Energy Management
o Renewable Energy Resources
7. M.Phil. in Production Engineering
o Applied Mechanics
o Manufacturing Technology
o Machine Design
o Materials Engineering
o Ph. D in Energy Studies.
Masters Programmes
1. Master of Sciences in Information Technology
2. Master of Science in Library and Information Studies
3. Master of Science in Publishing Studies
4. Master of Science in Records and Archives Management
5. Master of Science in Information Sciences
Ph. D Programmes
1. Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Studies
1. Master of Science in Immunology (Two Years)
2. Master of Science in International Health Research Ethics (Two Years)
3. Master of Medicine in Child Heath and Paediatrics (Three Years)
4. Master of Medicine in Internal Medicine (Three Years)
5. Masters of Medicine in Orthopaedic Surgery (Four Years)
6. Master of Medicine in General Surgery (Four Years)
7. Master of Medicine in Radiology and Imaging (Three Years)
8. Masters of Medicine in Family Medicine (Three Years)
9. Masters of Medicine in Psychiatry (Four Years )
10. Master of Medical Science in Gynaecologic Oncology (Two Years)
11. Master of Science in Medical Education (Two Years)
12. Master of Medicine in Reproductive Health (Four Year
13. Master of Science Health Informatics (Two Years )
Ph. D Programmes
1. Ph. D in Medical Education (Three Years)
Masters Programmes
1. MSc. Conflict Resolution and Humanitarian Assistance
2. MSc. Food Hygiene and Safety
3. MSc. Occupational Health and Safety
4. MSc. Epidemiology and Biostatistics
5. MSc. Heath Systems Management
6. MSc. Monitoring and Evaluation
7. MSc Clinical Nutrition, Public Health Nutrition and Sports Nutrition
8. Master of Public Health
Phd. Programmes
1. PhD Clinical Nutrition, Public Health Nutrition and Sports Nutrition
2. PhD Biostatistics or Epidemiology
Masters Programme
1. Master of Science in Nursing – Maternal and Neonatal Health
Master of Science Degree Programmes
1. Master of Arts (Economics)
2. Master of Banking and Finance
3. Master of Science (Agricultural Resource Management)
4. Master of Business Management (MBM)
5. Master of Business Administration (MBA Executive)
6. Master of Business Administration (Academic)
Doctor of Philosophy Programmes
1. Ph. D in Business Management
2. Ph. D in Agricultural Resource Management
Masters Programmes
1. Executive Master in Tourism and Hospitality (EMTH)
2. Master of Tourism Management (MTM)
3. Masters of Hospitality Management (MHM)
Ph. D Programmes
1. PhD in Tourism Management
2. PhD in Hotel and Hospitality Management
Master’s Programme (2 years)
1. Master of Laws in Intellectual Property Information
2. Master of Laws in Child and Family Law
Postgraduate Diploma Programmes
1. Postgraduate Diploma in Forced Migrations
2. Postgraduate Diploma in International Relations
3. Post Graduate Diploma in Religious Studies
Masters Programmes
1. Master of Arts in Anthropology
2. Master of Arts in Medical Anthropology
3. Master of Arts in Philosophy
4. Master of Arts in Religious Studies
5. Master of Arts in Geography
6. Master of Arts in Sociology
7. Master of Arts in History
8. Master of Arts in Public Administration and Policy
9. Master of Arts in International Relations
10. Master of Arts in Forced Migration
11. Master of Arts in Literature
12. Master of Arts in Linguistics
13. Master of Arts in Kiswahili (Translation, Linguistics, Literature)
14. Master of Arts in Theatre
15. Master of Arts in Film and Media Studies
16. Master of Arts in Gender Studies & Development
17. Master of Arts in Linguistics, Media and Communication (New)
18. Master of Arts in French (New)
19. Master of Public Administration (Executive) – One Year
20. Master of Science Counseling Psychology
21. Master of Arts in Diplomacy & Foreign Policy (Executive)
22. Master of Science in Speech and Language Pathology
Ph. D Programmes (3Years)
1. Ph.D. in History
2. Ph.D. in Political Science
3. Ph.D. in Religion
4. Ph.D. in Kiswahili
5. Ph.D. in Literature
6. Ph.D. in Philosophy
7. Ph.D. in Sociology
8. Ph.D. in Anthropology
9. Ph. D in Geography
10. Ph.D. in Linguistics
Master Programmes (2 years)
1. M.Sc. in Environmental Biology
2. M.Sc. in Plant Ecology
3. M.Sc. in Phycology
4. M.Sc. in Plant Pathology
5. M.Sc. in Microbiology
6. M.Sc. in Genetics
7. M.Sc. in Mycology
8. M.Sc. in Entomology
9. M.Sc. in Parasitology
10. M.Sc. in Animal Physiology
11.M.Sc. in Conservation Biology
12.M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry
13.M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry
14.M.Sc. in Inorganic Chemistry
15.M.Sc. in Physical Chemistry
16.M.Sc. in Pure Mathematics
17.M.Sc. in Biostatistics
18.M.Sc. in Physics
19.M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics
Ph.D. Programmes (3 yrs)
1. PhD in Environmental Biology
2. PhD in Phytopathology
3. PhD in Plant Ecology
4. PhD in Genetics
5. PhD in Mycology
6. PhD in Microbiology
7. PhD in Phycology
8. PhD in Animal Physiology
9. PhD in Entomology
10.PhD in Parasitology
Department of Agriculture and Bio-Technology
Masters programmes
1. MSc in Seed Science
2. MSc in Crop Protection
3. MSc in Plant Breeding and Bio-Technology
4. MSc in Soil Science
5. MSc in Horticulture
6. MSc in Agricultural Extension Education
Ph. D Programmes
1. Ph. D in Seed Science
2. Ph. D in Soil Science
3. Ph. D in Plant Bio-Technology
4. Ph. D in Horticulture
Department of Natural Resources
1. MSc in Environmental Engineering
2. MSc in Environmental Economics
3. MSc in Climate Change
4. MSc in Water Resource Management
5. MSc in Forestry
6. MSc in Sustainable Energy &Climate Change
Ph. D Programmes
1. Ph. D in Water Resource Management
2. Ph. D in Environmental Engineering
3. Ph. D in Forestry
Department of Animal Sciences
1. MSc in Dairy Technology
2. MSc in Animal Breeding and Genetics
3. MSc in Livestock Health and Management
4. MSc in Fisheries
Ph. D Programmes
1. Ph. D in Dairy Technology
2. Ph. D in Livestock Health and Management
3. Ph. D in Fisheries